Due to a difficult childhood, as a young adult, I struggled with unhealthy thinking patterns that worked against me. Eventually, I came to the point where everything was falling apart around me. I didn’t seek professional help as I thought I could overcome my problems on my own. Trying to solve my negative thinking patterns and behaviours without help made my healing journey much harder than it needed to be.
I don’t want anyone to struggle as I have. Eventually, I did heal and create a better life for myself. I am so grateful that I am now a happy person with a career that I love. If I can overcome my struggles, anyone can.
I strive to go above and beyond my clients’ expectations in every session. I work to empower you to make the best decisions for your life. I act as your guide, as you direct the process and decide on the life you want to have.
I’ll not only help you heal your struggles and pain, but I’ll also provide you with the skills and tools to eventually become your own counsellor in your life.
I have what some might say is a “freaky Intuition.” My clients are often amazed at how well I “get” them. My warmth and empathy are key features that help my clients connect deeply with me.
Research shows that the quality of the relationship between client and therapist largely determines the success of therapy.
I often hear people describe how poorly they think of themselves in my work as a psychotherapist. For some reason we tend to be overly critical of ourselves, and harsh in our internal speech. We probably never tell the people we love, “You’re such an idiot,” but most of us wouldn’t hesitate to say the same...
Book an appointment today or contact me to determine if I am an appropriate fit for you. Evening and Saturday appointments available!